Facing the Brink: Cities on the Verge of Disappearance by 2030 Due to Environmental Challenges

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Venice is already grappling with rising sea levels, and its intricate canal system is under threat. Various measures are being considered to protect the city, but it remains at risk.

Venice, Italy

Miami is susceptible to rising sea levels and faces an increased risk of storm surges due to its low-lying topography. The city is actively working on resilience and adaptation strategies.

Miami, USA

Bangkok is sinking at an alarming rate due to a combination of factors, including groundwater extraction and the weight of urban development. Efforts are being made to address the subsidence issue.

Bangkok, Thailand

Dhaka faces the dual threat of flooding and subsidence. Climate change-induced events like cyclones and monsoons contribute to the city's vulnerability.

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Jakarta is sinking due to excessive groundwater extraction and faces flooding from rising sea levels. The Indonesian government has initiated a plan to relocate the capital to Borneo to address these challenges.

Jakarta, Indonesia

This Central American city is prone to landslides and faces water scarcity issues. Deforestation and urbanization contribute to its environmental challenges.

Tegucigalpa, Honduras