Active Volcanoes

Fired Up Adventures


Located in the Chilean Andes, Villarrica is one of South America's most active volcanoes. Adventurous travelers can climb to the summit.

Chile , Villarrica

While currently dormant, Mount Fuji is an iconic and culturally significant volcano. It attracts hikers and tourists, especially during the climbing season.

Japan , Mount Fuji

Once highly active, Arenal is now in a resting phase, but the area remains a popular destination for its hot springs and lush surroundings.

Costa Rica , Arenal Volcano

An active marine volcano with a unique landscape. Tours offer the chance to explore the island, but it's important to be aware of safety guidelines.

New Zealand , White Island

Known for its otherworldly landscapes, especially during sunrise. Bromo is part of the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park.

Indonesia , Mount Bromo (Java)

One of Indonesia's most active volcanoes, located near Yogyakarta. It has erupted regularly, and visitors can trek to its summit.

Indonesia , Mount Merapi (Java)

Famous for its eruption in AD 79, which destroyed Pompeii and Herculaneum. Today, Vesuvius is a popular destination for hikers.

Italy , Mount Vesuvius (Naples)

Stromboli is known for its frequent small eruptions, visible from the summit. Mount Etna is one of the world's most active volcanoes and offers hiking opportunities.

Italy , Stromboli and Mount Etna (Sicily)